越境/越えようとすることで見える境の相をめぐって +pen友プロジェクト│わたしたちの原風景を描くために

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Koganei Artfull-action! is launching the Pen-tomo Project with artist Haji Oh. This small leaflet has been prepared as a memorandum to record its starting point from which various projects and studies will develop. This will provide an ongoing platform to which people can always return to, discuss and update.
Border Crossings: Discovering What Lies Beyond Borders/Miho Miyashita
[Interview] The Pen-tomo Project
Depicting Our Imaginary Landscapes: Point of Departure of the Project
Haji Oh (Artist)
Risei Sato (Program officer, Arts Council Tokyo)
Miho Miyashita (Artfull-action, Non-profit organization)
The Pen-tomo Project – Depicting Our Imaginary Landscapes/Haji Oh
Would You Like to Participate in the Pen-tomo Project?
Triangular Letter Exchange by Wi, Haji and Nozawa
Appendix: Letter Pad
Artfull-action, Non-profit organization
Yoichi Matsuda