
1991年沖縄生まれ。オルタナティブカルチャー、アクティビズムを関心軸に、沖縄とアジア圏をフィールドとし、美術・映像・映画などのイベントや展覧会の企画・作品制作のコーディネートを行う。現在、東京藝術大学でASEAN諸国との国際事業担当を務める。主な過去の企画・展覧会に、映画『Constellation』(共同制作、2015年)、「美しければ美しいほど The more beautiful it becomes』(原爆の図 丸木美術館、2017年)、「Barrak: survives」(Bangkok Biennial 2018)など。
Haruka Iharada is an independent curator. Born in 1991, Okinawa Japan. Her areas of interest include art movements and alternative culture, the projects organized by her include exhibitions, film screenings related to her filed in Asia and Okinawa. She recently works on the filmmaking project and screening tour in six cities across Asia , the co-director of film “Constellation”(2015)with Keijiro Nakamori. The curator of exhibition “The more beautiful it becomes”(2016 Maruki garalley, Saitama Japan) , the Pavilion director of “Barrak: survives” (2018, Bangkok Biennial 2018). Also, she is working as a Research Associate in Tokyo University of the Arts.