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  5. An Overview of Art Projects in Japan: A Society That Co-Creates with Art

An Overview of Art Projects in Japan: A Society That Co-Creates with Art

“An Overview of Art Project in Japan: A Society That Co-Creates with Art”は、研究・開発事業「日本型アートプロジェクトの歴史と現在についての情報発信研究」の一環として制作されました。

This report was compiled as a part of the Tokyo Art Research Lab (Arts Council Tokyo)’s “Dissemination and Research on the History and Present State of Art Projects in Japan” research and development program (consigned to Tokyo University of the Arts).

本書は、『日本型アートプロジェクトの歴史と現在 1990年→2012年』のエッセンスを海外に向けて紹介することを目指し、熊倉純子東京芸術大学教授監修のもと展開された研究開発事業の成果物です。

近年日本国内ではアートプロジェクトと呼ばれる活動が各地で見られる。欧米圏ではソーシャリー・エンゲイジド・アートと呼ばれるような活動や、「関係性の美学」 という概念をめぐる論争がみられる。しかし日本で行われているアートプロジェクトは、このような先行する言説のみでは説明がつかない事象が起こっているように感じられた。それゆえ、日本国内のアートプロジェクトについて事例と理論を交えて網羅的に論じた『日本型アートプロジェクトの歴史と現在 1990年→2012年』を英訳することによって、芸術と社会をめぐる英語圏の諸理論に新たな一石を投じることを目指した。


This report is a condensation of a collaborative research project conducted over five years, directed by Sumiko Kumakura, professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, as a part of the Tokyo Art Research Lab. It is intended to summarize the salient points of the research for an English-language audience who may be familiar with recent trends in socially engaged art and social practice but not as familiar with the corresponding scene in Japan.

Table of Contents


What are Art Projects?: History and Relationship to Local Areas
by Sumiko Kumakura and Yūichirō Nagatsu

What are “Art Projects”?
The Prehistory of Art Projects
Regional Art Projects

Column 1 An Overview of Large-Scale Art Festivals in Japan

Case Studies from Japan’s Art Projects: Their History and Present State, 1990-2012
by The Art Project Research Group

1 Universities and Art Projects: Hands-On Learning and Hubs for Local Communities
2 Alternative Spaces and Art Projects: New Developments in Realizing Sustainable Support Systems
3 Museums and Art Projects: Community Projects Initiated by Museums
4 Urban Renewal and Art Projects: Building Social Capital
5 Art Project Staff: The Different Faces of Local Participants
6 Art Projects and Society: Social Inclusion and Art
7 Companies and Art Projects: Why Companies Support Art Projects
8 Artists and Art Projects: The Good and Bad of Large-Scale Art Festivals Held in Depopulated Regions
9 Trends After the 3.11 Earthquake: Art Projects Confronting Affected Areas of the Tōhoku Region

Thinking about the Aesthetic and Social Value of Art Projects
by Sumiko Kumakura

Departure from a Normative Definition of the Artwork
Trends and Cultural Background of Art Project Research in Japan
Local People as Evaluators of Art Projects

Column 2 Case Studies of Co-Creative Projects 1: Jun Kitazawa’s Sun Self Hotel
Column 3 Case Studies of Co-Creative Projects 2: Hiroshi Fuji’s OS Art, Kaekko Bazaar
Column 4 The Theory of Social Capital
Column 5 Marginal Art and Art Projects

Contribution by Justin Jesty
Written by Sumiko Kumakura and Yūichirō Nagatsu (The Art Project Research Group)
With a contribution by Justin Jesty
Translation, editing, and project management by Art Translators Collective (Kanoko Tamura, Nobuko Aiso, Shuko Ebihara, and Tomoko Momiyama)
Translation and copyediting by Justin Jesty
Design by Mashu Miyagai (m-nina)
Project supervised by Yuri Sakamoto (Arts Council Tokyo)

